Monday, August 11, 2008

Welcome to Beijing!

Hi Scholars!

Trent here. Carolyn and Patti asked me to set up a blog for all of us to share our photos, memories, and thoughts of our adventures here in Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games.

I posted a previous Word Press blog, but our right honorable friends here have preferred otherwise. It seems that this new blog should enable us to share our goodwill as originally intended. As a gentle reminder, please feel free to share your observations of the games, sights, encounters, and culture in a mature, balanced, and respectful manner while corresponding from China. The previous blog was blocked, so please keep that in mind.

With that - enjoy the games, the memories, and the adventures that unfold here in Beijing!

-Trent Bigelow, Class of 2004

1 comment:

Carolyn Norton said...

YAY! So you're there now I assume? I looked for ya'll on the Today Show this morning, so make sure ya'll go by there and get near the cameras. (:

Hope everyone is having fun! Tell the others HI for me, and make sure Jane and Patti are taking lots of video and pix.

Love, Carolyn